Friday, September 17, 2010

Student's Life

Student life is the best time of life. Students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. A man’s career is made or marred in this period. It is the period when one’s character is molded. A student should Aim at being educated and being educated means becoming a complete man.

In student life diligence is of supreme value. A diligent man can achieve much. In student life one must learn to be obedient, Discipline is imposed on the student from outside at the school stage. But a student should understand from within the necessity of obedience and discipline in life. He should not forget that student life is to be devoted primarily to the pursuit of knowledge. But a student should not be a bookworm. There should be a harmonious development of body and mind. Therefore, a student should always participate in games and sports. It is not a waste of time to spend an hour or so in the playground. At home he must respect his elders and abide by the rules of his family. At school or college he must obey and respect his teachers. He should be careful about choosing his friends and companions. He should make friends with those who are honest, disciplined and diligent.

A student should also look beyond himself. He should not be a self-centered and selfish fellow. In student life one should devote some time to social service. He should try to educate his illiterate neighbors. He must teach the fundamental laws of health and hygiene. An ideal student must master all such virtues and make himself a useful citizen of his motherland and his country as well.

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