I was born
in a higher middle class family. Brought up with immense care and love. I am
everyone’s favorite and laadli of my
parents. A learned dancer and painter. I have “N” number of friends, who really
cares for me. I have everything, happiness, contentment and bliss.
beautiful, mean, a bit suborned, rude and egoistic. Still people love me and
respect me. I am always accompanied with a large group of friends, who has supported
me in every span of this beautiful life. Though boys are crazy about me but I will
be marrying the one whom I loved since I was a student.
In entire
school life, I was praised duly for my work and behavior. Made my parents proud
and upgraded our surname. Since childhood I was very studies and understood
things well. My parents have always supported me in every time I need them.
My life is a
bit different from others. I am blessed with some special attributes. Got
everything what and when I demanded. Today I stand before a mass, praising me.
Everyone wants to join me and be a part of this perfect life.
“It’s all which I always dreamt of…
Rest is all an illusion…”
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